Thursday, January 20, 2011

Risk Management Strategies Shifting Towards a Data-Centric Protection Model

In response to our Smartphone Security post from last week, Mark Mahovlich, Director at Attevo, provides the following insight:

The introduction of smart phone technologies into the corporate environment is creating a shift in how we design our risk management strategies.  The most fundamental change in focus is the movement from the traditional networked-based protection model to one that is data-centric.  The ability to "wrap" security policies around an individual data element allows an organization to protect its assets and its client’s Personally Identifiable Information from malicious intent, or simple misuse.  If a device (Smartphone) can be anywhere at any time, then the same holds true for your data.  Data-centric security tools, such as DLP make it possible to minimize risk no matter where your data resides or how it is being used.  DLP is not only about breach prevention, it’s about security best practices in an ever more mobile world.

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