Friday, March 11, 2011

Cost of Data Breaches Rising – Average Cost $7.2 Million

According to the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach in 2010 was $7.2 million. This number continues to rise each year. The Ponemon Institute also states that the cost per record breached in 2010 was $214. This cost is up 5% from 2009.

Negligence is main cause of a data breach and accounts for 41% of reported breaches. Close behind are malicious or criminal acts which are the reason for 31% of breaches. These malicious or criminal attacks are the most expensive breaches for an organization to respond to and cost an average of $318 per record. While some industries experience higher breach costs than others, these figures represent the averages.

To calculate the potential cost of a breach for your organization, log on to Attevo’s DLP Toolkit and use our free Risk Calculator. This tool will provide you with an estimated cost per record and a total remediation cost estimate.  

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