Monday, August 22, 2011

Hacking Group Anonymous Breaches InfraGard

On August 18th hacking group Anonymous published documents stolen from Richard Garcia, senior vice president of Vanguard Defense Industries. The collection of documents contains internal meeting notes and contracts, schematics, non-disclosure agreements, personal information about other VDI employees, and several dozen 'counter-terrorism' documents classified as 'law enforcement sensitive' and 'for official use only.'

Mr. Garcia is also a director of U.S. defense contractor InfraGard, who was breached by one of Anonymous' affiliate hacking groups LulzSec. In the initial post by Anonymous, they state that Mr. Garcia's account was easily hacked because he had not changed some of his passwords after the InfraGard breach in June.

One of the most sensitive emails that was published contains a response from one of Vanguard's chief executives responding to a U.S. Department of Justice contact regarding the suitability of its ShadowHawk drones for use by U.S Marshals. There are also reports that there are documents that show evidence of a Merrill Lynch wealth management adviser giving private advance notice to Garcia about upcoming S&P US credit rating downgrades. This report has yet to be substantiated.

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