Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ohio State University Exposes 760,000 Identities – Largest Educational Institution Breach of 2010

The Ohio State University recently revealed a large data breach.  This breach has exposed 760,000 identities and has the potential to cost the university $4 million. OSU has notified all affected persons and has indicated that the servers accessed stored Social Security numbers, dates of birth, and addresses. Although there is no evidence that the data was stolen, when personally identifiable information is accessed there is potential for identity theft to  occur.

The $4 million dollar cost associated with the breach includes consulting, notification costs, credit security, and a call center open for individuals with concerns.  OSU has begun working with consulting firms trying to improve security.  Many steps must be taken to secure this large University’s data.

Of the 68 recorded breaches in educational institutions, this breach has affected the largest amount of records.  760,000 records affected is a very large number of records and this is just one of the many breaches the University has had. Ohio State University averages 10 data breaches per year and virtually all of these involve Social Security numbers.

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