Monday, December 6, 2010

WikiLeaks Threatens Release of Unredacted Documents

For WikiLeaks Founder, Julian Assange, the days following the latest release of secret documents have brought legal troubles, sex crime allegations, and death threats. 

In response, Assange has released an encrypted document to tens of thousands of hackers and open-government campaigners that contains all of the documents that WikiLeaks has received to date. Assange's  lawyer has said that if anything happens to Assange, either physically or legally, the encryption key will be released, and all of the documents will be immediately available. Assange refers to the document as his "insurance policy." 

This file is believed to contain US Government papers on the Guantanamo Bay detention camp as well as damaging private-sector documents pertaining to the energy and banking industries. It is believed that two of the targets are industry leaders BP and Bank of America.

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