Monday, May 23, 2011

Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development Breached

Client names, social security numbers, email addresses and residential addresses and bank account detail of users of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development claim system. The 1,200 system users were warned that their personal details may have been accessed by a data-stealing worm named W32.QAKBOT.

Symantec defined the W32.QAKBOT as a worm that is capable of keylogging, collecting cookie data, DNS, operating system, private keys from system certificates and URLs. The virus can spread through a computer network, open a back door on a compromised computer that would allow someone to control the machine and keep itself hidden.

Although the problem has been fixed, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development is hoping people continue to use the system. It has been communicated that all possible steps are being taken to avoid future recurrence.

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