Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Almost 1/3 of Americans Own an E-Reader or a Tablet

According to new research released by the good people at The Pew Internet Project,  "the share of adults in the United States who own tablet computers nearly doubled from 10% to 19% between mid-December and early January and the same surge in growth also applied to e-book readers, which also jumped from 10% to 19% over the same time period." This brings the total number of Americans who own at least one tablet or e-reader to 29%.

gadget ownership over holidays

This study puts solid numbers on the tablet and e-reader market growth speculations. It is becoming more and more important for organizations to look into how they are going to integrate tablet and, more broadly,  mobile security into their enterprise DLP strategy. 

Two of the largest enterprise DLP vendors,Symantec and Websense, are introducing a DLP plug-in for tablets this year. The concept for tablets is pretty basic and shared for the most part across vendors. It works like an endpoint monitor that views and classifies information as it flows from a tablet to a web or cloud application. If the content is deemed appropriate it is allowed to reach its destination, and if the content is sensitive it will either notify DLP administrators, block the content or a combination of both.

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