Wednesday, June 22, 2011

77% Of Business Experienced Data Loss Last Year

A survey of over 2,400 IT security administrators conducted by Check Point and Ponemon reveals 77% of businesses experienced data loss last year. This number does not correlate with the number of reported breaches, but with increasing stringency of compliance regulations, we may begin to see more and more reported breaches.

The study’s research shows organizations are struggling with the growing set of security priorities and limited employee awareness about corporate security policies. Over 55 percent of companies surveyed are using more than seven vendors to perform security tasks. Because of this, organizations struggle with minimizing TCO and maximizing performance.

Approaching security with a holistic view of an organization’s technology is the first step in enforcing better protection. This helps to determine where risks can reside. Security is more than a simple technology solution. Aligning IT security with business needs requires a combination of policies, people and enforcement.

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