Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cool Websense Security Survey Infographic

Content Security and Data Loss Prevention company, Websense in conjunction with independent research firm Dynamic Markets just released their "Security Pros & ‘Cons’" survey. IT managers and non-IT employees in the U.S., UK, Canada, and Australia where they asked about the latest threats to corporate and personal security, including modern malware and advanced persistent threats (APTs).
Websense has condensed the findings of the study into an easy to read infographic. The portion of the infographic below is one of the more interesting data points collected regarding a "false sense of security" that is felt by many IT managers. They know that they need to protect their organization against modern malware and web 2.0 threats, but 52% of IT managers do not protect their organization from confidential data being uploaded to the web.
Fortunately, help is on the horizon as headline-grabbing security incidents have promoted data security talks amongst top management and have driven focus on security, including the need for additional budget. Click here to download the full report 

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