Monday, February 27, 2012

Stratfor Documents Obtained in December 2011 Breach - Released

The fallout from the December 2011 breach of Stratfor was not fully felt until today, when the website WikiLeaks released a statement that they would begin to publish "5 million e-mails from the private intelligence company Stratfor, starting with a company "glossary" that features unflattering descriptions of U.S. government agencies." 

Stratfor will not confirm nor deny the authenticity of the documents but they do make mention that the documents can now be easily edited by those who release the information.

Wikileaks has stated that the documents will be released through a network of more than 25 news outlets and activist groups in the coming weeks. The first document out was titled "The Stratfor Glossary of Useful, Baffling and Strange Intelligence Terms," featuring brief and sometimes humorous definitions and blunt assessments of U.S. intelligence and law enforcement.

To read more about Stratfor and Wikileaks click here
To read the full text of what was released click here

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