Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Man in the Browser Attacks Online Banking Customers

Last week you may remember that Symantec notified pcAnywhere customers of the potential for "Man in the Middle" attacks as a result of their leaked source code. This week a malware testing lab out of Britain,  S21sec, is warning online banking users of "Man in the Browser" or MitB threats. 

The idea behind these two threats, despite the different name, is the same. The user downloads malware accidentally and the application lives in their browser and alters what is seen on the site and where the entered data goes. Some more sophisticated versions will change payment details and amounts to try and cover the malicious activity.

Fortunately, many banks use software that understands a user's patterns and when something out of the norm occurs, the bank will alert the account holder of the activity. 

Read more: UPI.com

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